Tuesday, December 9, 2014

This is post #10 for Michael Moss, "The King" no, not LeBron James, but Elvis

     On May 27, 1956, Elvis Presley came to the University of Dayton for a concert.  Unlike concerts of the present day, Elvis did two sets, one at 2pm and one at 8pm.  Elvis performed with other musicians, but Presley was the headliner of the tour.
     One witness stated that the crowd was shrieking so loud that you could not even hear the music.  Apparently(I say this sarcastically) Elvis was quite charming, as ladies and journalists gathered around him to stare and ask questions.  The show was a huge success with the teenagers and twenty-somethings, but the more mature crowd was not as pleased, as noted by Polly Davis of the Journal Delight, "Elvis sang (I think?), but her did swing his hips and belt out several 'ohhhs' and 'ahhhs' to the crowd's delight."
     The show was held at the University of Dayton Fieldhouse, which served as the home basketball court (among other sports) for the UD Flyers before UD Arena was constructed in 1969.  Currently the Fieldhouse is home to the UD volleyball teams and is also free for recreational use for the students when there are no volleyball matches scheduled.

"University of Dayton Fieldhouse" from the UD Archives.  I found this through the ud,edu web-site.  Honestly, I stumbled upon it looking for other stuff and I'm not sure how to document the source because of a lack of information and my not paying attention, but below is the URL for where I found some good reading from the collection.


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