Monday, December 8, 2014

Re-purposing Main Street

Okay, again I'm writing about Port Clinton. I had a lot of time on my hands over Thanksgiving so I figured I'd drive around and see what has changed.  Port Clinton is about the size of Fairborn (well, sort of) and in the early twentieth century, Madison Street, our 'main' street in town was home to many businesses.  There were even four movie theaters in a two block radius!  Today, only one of the structures remains.  It is pictured below:
You can see the marque and can just imagine what the structure looked like when it was still used as a theatre.  However, now it is the office of Ohler and Holtzhauer Heating and Cooling.  The business has been around for almost 100 years.  When the company moved into the property, as my dad tells me, they filled in the sloped floors to make the space level and usable for its needs.  I have yet to find any pictures of what the theater really looked like in its hey-day or where it was in relation to the other three movie theatres, but this is perhaps the only example of the re-purposing of a building in Port Clinton while retaining the original exterior.

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