Wednesday, December 10, 2014


At one time Dayton was known as the "City of 1,000" factories. It seems odd in retrospect. That history for young residents (15-25) of Dayton seems like a far off time centuries ago. Like a Greek Myth even. Dayton is many things but industrially progressive it is not. In fairness the Midwest and majority of the country has suffered the same the loss of labor jobs. City titans such as Patterson, Kettering, etc would be aghast at the current state of labor in the once proud city as of 2014.
Dayton is currently in the beginnings of a potential rebirth. The city has tried repeatedly to attract bigger businesses to relocate to the Miami Valley to no avail. The last holdout NCR left for the greener more tax accommodating pastures of peripheral Atlanta years ago now. Now we are courting and making inroads with the new technology. Drone programs are beginning to make headway in the Miami Valley. Local institutions of higher education such as Sinclair Community College are investing in developing a workforce skilled in the manufacturing and handling of drones. Drones are the new wave of warfare and as well surveillance. The United States Military has been using drone warfare for roughly the last decade. As drone technology continues to develop companies such as Amazon and other are looking for ways to make service more streamline and efficient with the usage of drones to deliver items. Dayton for once is potentially on the right side of history. It wil be interesting to see how the city grows with drone technology.

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