Sunday, December 7, 2014

Harry Houdini Comes to Dayton!

Harry Houdini
This past week in December of 1916, the great Harry Houdini known as the "handcuff king" visited us in Dayton, Ohio to perform at the B. F. Keith’s Theater, which is at the corner of Fifth and Ludlow. He was the top billed actor for the week and is internationally famous. He hasn’t visited Dayton for nearly 20 years. And this time he has upped his acts from the well-known handcuff tricks to more death defying stunts. From December 11th to the 17th, he spent a week in Dayton putting on shows that amazed and confused all his audiences. For his shows he was performing his famous Chinese water-torture cell escape where he was placed upside down into a cell which is then placed into a case filled with many gallons of water. Houdini was then fastened in place by his ankles and only had minutes to escape before he could drown. To add to the suspense he was covered by a curtain and his assistances stood nearby with axes, preparing for the worst. He easily escaped every night to the astonishment of his audiences. Also, among other various tricks, he performed the trick of swallowing needles and thread only to produce them again with the needles threaded.
On several occasions throughout the week he put on special exhibits for the people of Dayton. On December 11th, Houdini was strapped into a straight-jacket and hung upside down from the Dayton Daily News building. In under 3 minutes, he was able to escape from those confines to the amazement of the almost 6,000 people gathered. His wife was there but she said she couldn’t watch. Houdini had said that he does these tricks knowing that each one could be his last.
    On December 12th at his evening performance, Houdini took up the challenge of DELCO employees and escaped from a wooden box that they built. It was made of 8inch boards with many nails in almost every place to keep it tight. It took him only 6 minutes to escape from the box, easily making the DELCO employees lose their challenge.
    For the evening of December 15th, Houdini again changed his performance. He was challenged by employees of the Olt Brewery Company to attempt an escape from a vat of beer. Houdini accepted the challenge and was locked into a cask of nearly 60 gallons of beer. While there is conflicting reports, it is said that he escaped the vat in about 2-3 minutes. Houdini had joked that if he could not escape he would just drink himself out, but this is not true. Houdini who must keep in excellent shape does not drink or smoke or have other vices. Due to this, when he did escape from the beer cask he needed time to revive himself from the fumes of the beer.

    Houdini was well received in Dayton alongside many other great acts throughout the week. He moves onto the next city to amaze even more people. 

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