Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post-It Note

3M Laboratories
  "Hey Spence." Art Fry calls as he walks up to his coworker on Monday morning.
   Spence Silver looks up from his weak adhesive. He'd been working on it on and off for five years. The Acrylate Copolymer Microspheres was pressure sensitive and peeled off without any residue. Better yet the adhesive could be applied again and again. Yet he could not find a way to market them. His best idea so far was to make a bulletin board that you could stick paper to but the bosses weren't buying it. Pushing away from his desk he looked to Fry.
  "Still working on that?" Fry inquires excitedly.
  That's new. Most people are a little sick of hearing about it by now.
  "Still working with it. The adhesive is fine. Its the selling that's not." Silver replies.
  "About that. I had an epiphany at Church yesterday."
  Church and epiphanies. That doesn't always end well, Silver thinks.
  "I kept losing my book mark in my hymnal, the song book for the choir. I remembered you talking about this a while back. What if we could make a sticky movable book mark?"
  That was a novel thought. Instead of applying the adhesive to the board why not the paper itself? Why stop at book marks? What about notes?

  To make a long story short they succeeded in 1973 to create the post-it note. It was a long road. They had to create the machines that made and applied the new product themselves. It paid off. Spence Silver sees post-it notes in the movies and he still gets a kick out of it.

Work Cited

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