Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post Ten

POST #10 (Hello Christmas Break)

So the last post for this local history class is about how the faculties of our program reach a larger audience that we tend to realize. This includes the people who have been in the program in the past two. In this local history class we have talked about the eccentric circles, and how people and events can have a big impact on large scales. I believe that that includes the people from our program.

An example of this is a recent article I read about none other than John Luchin. If you didn’t get a chance to the article yet it is available on the Wright State website. Bothe John Luchens (Elder and younger) were featured about the generations of teachers at Wright State in the public History Department. It was interesting that a lot of people who may not know these men wouldn’t know their story. But what I find most interesting is how many platforms a person can affect just by holding a position in Public History. Both of these men work at the Air Force Museum and are influencing people from all over the world. This may be through an exhibit that was designed, or even just from the collection that is accessioned into the collection.

It is remarkable to think about the many levels that our work will one day affect. This can be said for almost every professor that have thought us in this program. Weather that be John Armstrong pulling boxes for researchers, Dawne talking to a local news team, or the Luchen men in the Air force museum. These are all examples we can follow that show the wide spreading impact our positions may one day take. I don’t really know where I’m going with this. Just food for thought I guess. Plus it was pretty cool logging onto the main Wright State web page and seeing a familiar face. Maybe one that that will be one of us.

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