Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post #5


The fifth blog post that I wanted to share is something that I feel very strongly about… One of the things that has stuck with me since we discussed it in class last year  was the movie about September 11th and memory. When watching this, we discussed in detail the importance of recognizing history when it is happening around is.

This topic was brought up again during our class this semester when we were analyzing photographs. In one of the photos, we talked about the civil rights movements. I always think about how I may have acted if I were alive during that time. Would I have stood up for civil rights? Or would I not even have bothered getting involved in something so political? This leads me to think about today debates, and how I think that the fight for same sex marriage is eerily similar to the arguments made in the 1960s. I wonder if people will look back 50 years from now and wondering why more of us didn’t take action. One thing that I have learned from this semester is not to look back at history with rose-colored glasses. It has been very helpful to remember that everyone has human tendencies and emotions. This has helped me under stand historical stories and actions better. Because of this, I can look at actions in the 60s and really relate the human reactions to what was happening in their time. Hopefully we all will be able to look back at what we have done and be proud. 

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