Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post #7


Reforming our Education System

Ok, so they next post I would like to talk about is a hot button topic issue in our country today. So…it only makes sense that we discuss how it affects us on a local history level. This topic is none other that the rising costs of education. This goes for the cost of private education at the high school levels along with higher education. I can’t help but wonder what our high prices educations will really be worth in the years to come. Everyone you talk to say that getting a bachelors isn’t what it use to be. And more and more getting a masters degree is not enough. With this growth of qualifications, so does the cost to receive these degrees. I wonder if we will be able to pay off our debt before our degrees become obsolete. This has to be something that people will be researching in the future and think, “what were they doing getting into that much debt”.
I believe that in the future the only solution is changing our entire education system. If we look at the way that many other questions run their contrived, universities are free to any of its citizens. That is not to say that they let everyone is let in. This means that standards are higher, but the money is being well spent by the government. This makes sense that this will be the future of our educational systems. I predict it will not be too long before people start refusing to pay for an education. And in America wants to stay in the running with other countries there will need to be a complex reform within their system.  

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