Wednesday, December 10, 2014


As the American military (or war machine) embarks on the seemingly endless campaign of international conflict the effects can be felt here stateside. The American media has effected to a degree the national narrative with what they report and show the general American populous. This has had mild to devastating effects on different groups of people here in the States and as well as in Dayton, Ohio. As a Sunni Muslim I have experienced encounters as mild as explaining why I pray five times a day to as inflammatory as women cowering over their children if I'm in public in my thobe after Jummah. I have noticed since 9/11 the amplified propaganda portrayed about an entire population based on the actions of small conglomerate that does not represent a religion or way of life. The news media is not solely responsible for this, the blame falls on us as citizens as well, Muslims included. We as a citizen populous need to be more learned and informed about people, ideas, and happenings outside of our comfort zone. As a Muslim population we often discuss how can me engage the community to make them aware of the true message of Islam and the viewpoints associated with the faith from informed Muslims. The social injustice is not something that is happening in some far off place or huge metropolitan city. It occurs in Dayton as well. I have fortunately (Mashallah) not had to encounter open verbal confrontations or physical endangerment because of my faith, I pray I am never in that position. I have friends who have experienced that on numerous occasions and one time is one to many. As we continue to live in the post 9/11 world I encourage everyone to fight ignorance, to not be enamored with the seduction of mental stagnancy and engage in change. I have posted a link to a news article covering the gassing of children at the Masjid I attend on Josie Street (near Stivers High School) in Dayton, Ohio.

Muslim Community Harrassed in Dayton

*If you have any questions regarding Islam regardless of the nature of the question don't hesitate to ask me. Ignorance is not an excuse.

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