Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dayton Peace Accords, 1995, WPAFB

     The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, also known as the Dayton Agreement, Dayton AccordsParis Protocol or Dayton-Paris Agreement, is the peace agreement reached at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, United States, in November 1995, and formally signed in Paris on 14 December 1995. These accords put an end to the 3 12-year-long Bosnian War, one of the armed conflicts in the former Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia.
     This is a piece of world history that has not only affected Dayton and Paris, but also ended a war.  Through the mid-90s you could not turn on a television or open a newspaper (what are those? yeah, I know) without hearing about issues in Bosnia.  When I was attending Ohio State, I met a girl from Bosnia whose parents had fled to America because of all the fighting.  Who would have thought when they moved to Columbus, Ohio that they would be an hour away from the place where the agreement to end the war in their country was finalized.


  1. Interesting time in Dayton's history...NAFTA is apart of the era as well and that officially took what was remaining of Dayton's industry off life support (I apologize if the grim description but...its true).

  2. NAFTA also allowed for the free flow of south american narcotics to flood the streets of the USA.
