Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dayton Triangles vs. Columbus Panhandles, Triangle Park

   The first football game between two professional (paid athletes) football teams was played on October 3, 1920.  The game featured the Dayton Triangles versus the Columbus Panhandles.  The Triangles won 14 to 0.  The game was played in Dayton's Triangle Park, located directly across the street from the employee parking lot at Boonshoft.
    One interesting thing to note is that Triangle Park was created by Edward Deeds and Charles Kettering.  In 1916, they purchased the land from the estate of Edward Best, and wanted to create a recreational area for the employees of their three Dayton factories, DELCO, DELCO-Light, and Dayton Metal Products Company. 
     Another interesting thing that happened at Triangle Park in 1916 was a gathering of servicemen who had just volunteered for military duty to prepare for the USA's entry into World War I.  Unfortunately today Triangle Park has a reputation for drug deals and illegal sexual activity and has lost its luster as a once prominent community gathering place.

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