Thursday, December 4, 2014

Brain Drain


We are living through an incredibly important time in local history. The history is current. It is topic that is vitally important and it effects everyone who lives in Dayton and the surrounding suburbs. Dayton is a city that needs help. The common labor industry died over a decade ago and what is left for "skilled" workers is very limited as well. We have a inner city public education system that is in need of a complete overhaul. The suburban public education system is not nearly as good as it was in decades past as well. The majority of young people who have been fortunate enough to develop a skill set via higher education (that could potentially help uplift the city) have chosen to leave creating a cycle where the vast majority of our best and brightest are contributing to other cities and locales academic and economic growth.
The above pictures are of myself and good friends who all are from Dayton or Southwest Ohio. Of the young men in the photo only one person has come back and stayed in Dayton. Myself. All of these young men have masters degrees or doctorates. These are some of Dayton's best and brightest. I'm sure other people in our class have similar stories where their freinds have left and have no plans on coming back to live in Dayton.

The brain drain of Dayton is a two way street in regards to revitalizing the cities economic base. City leaders need to find away to attract jobs to the city. Both labor and skilled jobs. The jobs will attract labor to the city, including its native sons and daughters. The young minds who have left Dayton for more profitable pastures as well need to held accountable. Nothing is wrong in taking advantage of opportunity as it presents itself elsewhere, but their is much to be said about contributing back to your hometown. Having a sense of pride and understanding the bigger picture is a requirement in that regard. The full benefit may not be experienced by yourself but future generations of Daytonians can benfit from the groundwork layed by the cities rebirth.

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