Sunday, November 30, 2014

Steps that Lincoln Stood On…Maybe

The Old Courthouse is a beautiful historical landmark for downtown Dayton. Its distinctive architecture and demanding presence draw attention to it from all angles. With six columns completing its Greek revival style, this building has been kickass since it was completed in 1850. And the steps of the Old Courthouse were witness to some of Dayton’s coolest history.

From these very steps you can look around downtown Dayton and see some pretty amazing things. First, you can see the wonderfully amazing Centre City building a little further down South Main Street, you can glance to the left of the courthouse and see the astounding “Fountain of Presidents” which commemorates several presidential visits to Dayton (including Hayes, Kennedy, Carter, and Clinton), or you can look a little closer to the steps themselves. Attached to the wall of the steps is a plaque commemorating one president’s visit in particular…because his speech was given from these very steps.

Abraham Lincoln supposedly spoke to the Dayton people from these steps in 1859. I say supposedly because it has been disputed as to whether he was on the steps or much closer to the road. But either way, ABRAHAM LINCOLN WAS HERE!   

“Abraham Lincoln appeared on these court house steps on the afternoon of September 17, 1859, and spoke denying the assertion that the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, senator from Illinois, that human slavery was protected by the Constitution.”

It was “Contributed on September 17, 1959 by the Young Republican Club of Montgomery County.”

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